Preventing Dog Bite Injuries in Bergen County

According to the Bergen Country Department of Health Services, there are steps dog owners can take to reduce the risk that a dog will bite.

Dog bites are a very common source of claims under homeowners’ insurance policies. However, not all policies cover such claims, and some policies may exclude certain breeds of dogs.

Thus, a dog bite may not only be traumatic for the victim but expensive for the dog owners.

The Bergen County Department of Health Services advises that:

  • Dog owners should never tease a dog or allow others to do so.
  • Dogs should not be disturbed when sleeping.
  • Dogs should not be disturbed when eating or gnawing on a bone.
  • Dogs don’t understand being punished for bad behavior but love praise for good behavior.
  • Training helps a dog owner stay in control. At a minimum, dogs should be taught to “sit” or “stay.”

Bergen County advises people approaching a potentially dangerous dog to be aware of the following:

  • An angry dog will bark and look right at you. A frightened dog will tuck its tail between its legs and/or put its ears back. In neither case is the dog inviting you to be friendly, so offering your hand may cause the dog to bite.
  • Yelling, moving, or making eye contact with an angry or frightened dog may lead to an attack.
  • If a dog does attack, the best strategy is to curl up in a ball and use your hands to protect your face.

If you or a family member has been the victim of a serious dog bite injury in Bergen County, it’s important to contact an experienced dog bite attorney.

You may be able to recover for your pain and suffering as well as your medical expenses and time lost from work. However, if you wait too long you may lose your right to sue.

The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. offer you the benefits of more than 90 years of experience with personal injury cases. Call or email us today to schedule a free consultation.

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