Steps to Take After a Pedestrian Accident

Being involved in a pedestrian accident can be scary and overwhelming. Unfortunately, you cannot trust an insurance company to protect your best interests. Even if you suffered a severe injury due to a driver’s fault, the insurer may try to avoid paying you by unfairly diminishing the value of your claim or rejecting it entirely. Take these steps to protect yourself as much as possible after a pedestrian accident in New Jersey.

Call for Help 

First, stay where you are and call for help. Use your cell phone to call 911 from the scene of the accident. Try to avoid moving or twisting your body while you wait for paramedics to arrive. You may have suffered a back or neck injury, in which case moving the wrong way could exacerbate the damage and potentially lead to permanent paralysis. You should always report a pedestrian accident in New Jersey. When the police arrive, give them your side of the story but do not admit fault. Instead, wait for an insurance investigation to determine fault. Write down your police report number before you leave the scene.

Seek Medical Care 

If you notice pain, swelling, bruising, dizziness, confusion or any other signs of injury, go to a hospital right away. Even if you initially feel fine, it is a good idea to get checked by a medical professional. You may have a hidden injury or one with delayed symptoms. A traumatic brain injury, for example, may not become severe enough to cause noticeable symptoms for hours or even days after you hit your head in a pedestrian accident.  

Seeing a doctor immediately ensures prompt injury treatment. It is also important for insurance reasons; if you delay in seeking medical care, the driver’s car insurance company may use it against you to try to avoid liability for your medical bills. The insurer may try to allege that you are not injured, did not suffer the injuries in the pedestrian accident or failed to mitigate your losses by failing to receive professional treatment.

Gather Information 

While you are still at the scene of the accident, collect information. This includes the name, contact number and insurance information of the driver who hit you. Write down a description of his or her vehicle and plate numbers, as well. Take pictures of the scene of the collision. If you are unable to gather information after being struck by a vehicle in New Jersey, ask a trusted friend or family member to do so for you. Acquiring a copy of your police report can also give you details about your accident.

File an Insurance Claim 

Contact the driver’s car insurance company to report the accident and file a claim. Again, do not admit fault. The insurance company will search for ways to minimize your claim payout. Do not give them any opportunity to blame you for the pedestrian accident or undervalue your claim. If you do not feel up to negotiating a settlement with an insurance claims adjuster on your own – especially if you are dealing with catastrophic injuries – a personal injury lawyer can take over for you.

Contact a Pedestrian Accident Attorney 

A pedestrian accident lawyer will know exactly how to deal with a car insurance company for you to fight for the case results that you deserve. Your lawyer can help you file a claim for damages, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. You can trust an attorney to represent your case accurately and fight for optimal case results on your behalf.  

You can benefit from legal services such as accident investigation, evidence collection and settlement negotiations when you hire an attorney. If your case needs to go to trial to achieve fair results, your lawyer can file a lawsuit before New Jersey’s deadline. For more information about pedestrian accident claims, contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. to request a free case consultation.