Proving Invisible Injuries in Car Accidents

Many injuries caused by car accidents are immediately obvious, such as broken bones and lacerations. Some, however, are more difficult to recognize. So-called “invisible injuries” may not be physically visible or appear in medical scans, but that does not make them any less real to the victim. Invisible injuries can inflict serious harm, including causing chronic pain and disability. Proving these injuries during a car accident claim in New Jersey can be difficult.

What Are “Invisible Injuries?”

An invisible injury is one that is not visible to the naked eye. It may not show outward physical signs or appear on medical scans or x-rays, including MRIs or CT scans. Yet it still exists and can cause a wide range of problems for the victim. Car accidents can inflict many different types of injuries, including some that are not immediately obvious. These injuries may have delayed signs, hidden effects or symptoms that only the victim notices. 

Invisible injuries can include: 

  • Whiplash 
  • Soft-tissue injuries
  • Muscle, tendon or ligament damage
  • Back injuries
  • Tennis elbow
  • Joint problems
  • Knee injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Concussions
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Nerve damage
  • Emotional or psychological injuries

These injuries may not show outward signs, such as bruising or bleeding, but they can still have a dramatic effect on a victim’s life. If you notice any pain, immobility or other symptoms that could point to an injury after a car accident in New Jersey, go to a hospital for a checkup. Tell the doctor exactly what you are experiencing. If you are diagnosed with an invisible injury, you are still eligible for financial compensation.

How to Prove an Invisible Injury After a Car Accident 

In New Jersey, you have to prove that you are injured to recover compensation from your own insurance provider or the insurance company of another party after a car accident. The insurance company will request proof of your losses, including evidence that you suffered an injury in the crash. The issue with proving an invisible injury is that there may not be any physical evidence available. With the right combination of medical documents and expert testimony, however, you can still successfully prove your case.

One type of evidence that is often relied upon in an invisible injury case is the victim’s medical records. While the injury might not appear on a medical test or scan, there is still medical evidence that it exists, such as a doctor’s notes with the symptoms complained of by the victim. If you were officially diagnosed with an injury, these medical records will support your claim. Expert witnesses can also play an important role in proving an invisible injury claim. A medical expert can testify as to the existence of your injury despite a lack of physical proof. 

A vocational rehabilitation expert may also be useful to testify to the fact that you are unable to complete your job duties because of your car accident injury. If you can only work in a limited capacity – or cannot work at all – the testimony of a vocational expert will be critical in proving your lost wages or lost future capacity to earn.

Finally, you could rely on testimony from friends and family members to prove your medical condition. People close to you can attest to the fact that you have been in pain or are otherwise affected by the injury, such as being unable to participate in your normal activities. Without physical proof of an injury, testimonies can provide important evidence during an invisible injury claim.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney for Assistance

For more information about proving an invisible injury after a car accident in New Jersey, contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. to schedule a free consultation with an attorney near you. Hiring a lawyer improves your odds of proving your case.